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(N.) - Vocals , Drums , Composition (Blackout) - Guitar , Composition (M.) - Guitar (A.) - Bass |
Hypothermie: Good afternoon and thanks a lot that you two took the time for this Interview.
Blackout: No problem at all.
Hypothermie: I wanted to start with the question how the thought of arranging a band appeared. Which intention did you follow meaning: What goals did or do you want to accomplish?
Blackout: The band formed in 2010 comparatively spontaneous. At this moment we had not any specific intentions in mind. It was a development while we got to know each other, though the main idea, that means the main topics where especially embossed by N. Our aim for this year is a Split-CD and for 2012 we plan our first full-length Album.
Hypothermie: So, if I got it right, it all combined under the motto: “Hey, lets make some music together!”, right?
N.: At first yes, but the other guys had and have their own head and ideas as well. It all was a sort of process after all. The more time we use to spend together and things we go through the more all gets clearer and more solid.
Hypothermie: Did you need to find a common agreement at first when it came to your music? So to say a common way to express the things you wanted to? I mean, problems and trouble isn’t something new to young Bands.
N.: Hmm...We never tried to find a special style it just came as time went by. Of course some bands took influence on our music, you can hear in some titles I guess. But we never were straight forward and wanted to fit in this or that genre. This was and is very important to us, especially because we all are from different musicale genre better to say metal genre.
Hypothermie: Some will already know that your long awaited EP “Be happy” was published with a huge delay. Do you want to say something to this publication and the background?
Blackout: We are really and totally confident with this publication though it is distressing that the release needed so long.
Hypothermie: Yes, but now everyone can buy the EP. The songs on “Be happy” all have their own distinctive style though they all belong together and paint a fantastic overall picture. Can you explain what the content of your songs is? What did you want to describe with your lyrics?
N.: The desire to be totally happy, total bliss, the ambition to feel total subjective well-being. We wanted to characterize the controversy of bliss in positive and negative moments, the way every being is coping with it. Every human being wants to accomplish the state of luck, pure luck and if someone feels the need to commit suicide it should be in the feeling of happiness – in total expectance of a fulfilled end. Just the way he or she decides. I do not want to bring people to do something like this, I just want to show some point of views when it comes to this topic.
Hypothermie: So, you want to clarify that no matter what someone does or wants to do he or she should be happy whether it is healthful etc or not?
N.: Indirectly, but all in all yes.
Hypothermie: Which music do you like to hear in private and which can you name as your influences?
Blackout: It is something that is born from the moment itself and the feelings I am in. Everyone of our band has his own musical taste. So it is a bit difficult to name specific influences.
Hypothermie: And which CD or LP should find its place in every collection?
Blackout: Amesoeurs - "Ruines Humaines"
N.: Silencer - "Death - Pierce Me"
Hypothermie: Two albums that could not be more different. Are you planning to play live one day?
N.: Actually no, but… exception proves the rule.
Blackout shakes his head yes.
Hypothermie: Everything the way it should be. But you are not totally against something like concerts with your band?
N.: No, but the conditions should be clear. It should be in a small circle.
Hypothermie: A live gig like this you already had on a private event, right?
N.: Yes, that is true. There were just a few friends of ours. There was a performance planned with Mortifera but we canceled it because of intern problems.
Hypothermie: There is no need to explain this more specific, I guess… Do you visit concerts in private? And if yes, which ones?
Blackout: Some but few, e. g. the Under the black Sun.
N.: We prefer the smaller and well-balanced concerts. We will be in Essen at the 14th of October.
Hypothermie: So, you do not think much of bands in this genre playing in front of thousands of people?
N., Blackout: Nah, everyone should decide this for him- or herself. We are not saying that every band having the opportunity to play in front of thousands of people is a terrible band. We take the atmosphere of these concerts by heart.
Hypothermie: Do you want to tell us something about your future publications? Concepts, ideas, etc.?
Blackout: We can say this much, the concept for the Split is to animate the listener to dream. Though we did not find the right band for this yet.
N.: Furthermore Blackout and I are deep into a project of mine called “Silent Thoughts“. The songs for the Split-CD are finished and we want to record them in our studio in the next few weeks. This is the same studio “Be happy” war recorded at.
Hypothermie: So, we all can be excited to hear more, hehe.
Blackout: Yes, of course. ;)
Hypothermie: Tell me please, if you are not head over heals with your music, what are you doing preferred?
Blackout: Trips into nature or small cultural towns and of course cosy evenings with friends.
N.: There is nothing more that I could add. We as a band have a really strong relationship towards each other. But mainly everything is about the music. Though I like to go to the zoo as well.
Hypothermie: Now a question I am personally total interested in – Drugs – what do you think about it?
Blackout: Tobacco and alcohol are ok.
N.: Pretty intensive, because me myself took them for 6 years and I was addicted to them. Not a thing for everyone wanting to live a healthful life, but everyone should decide for him-or herself.
Hypothermie: Let’s get to the more comfortable topics: What do you prefer eating? Chastly and easy food, fast-food or homemade meals?
N.: I cook myself and good, I am the responsible person for the catering of the band. I victual then enough, I guess. (laughs at this)
Hypothermie: A meal prefered?
Blackout: Paprika-creamschnitzel or Bouletten. (N. laughs at this)
Hypothermie: So, not only a musician, but the cook and caterer for the band! So, you have a really close and familial relationship and spend a lot of time together?
Blackout: Yes, definitely. We four are all good friends, though I want to say that N. is a sort of brother to me!
Hypothermie: That sounds pretty fantastic, seeing friendships those days! Thanks for the interview again, yours it the last word!
Blackout: Thanks for the interview and have a nice evening.
N.: Be Happy.
Hypothermie: Thanks!
(Translation: A.I., 18.07.2011)
Conclusion: A really interesting and partly amusing talk with N. and Blackout. The one not having the CD yet, should definitively buy it right away, a totally promising publication.
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